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How to Implement Network Security

Live Tech CareOne should know the ways to safeguard your network in order to reduce the risk from being compromised by hackers, worms, viruses and other intrusions.


Changing Router Default Password

Don’t apply default password on router. You should change the password after initial router configuration. Don’t use easily guessed password, such as your name, pet’s name, birth date, etc. A good password is composed of number, alphabet (upper case/lower case) and symbol.


Enabling Firewall on Router

If the router provides firewall characteristic, use it ! Tune and create some testing on firewall. This feature is useful to fall unknown traffic from Internet and also can limit the traffic going out to Internet.


Router Firmware Upgrade

Generally router vendor will release new router firmware from time to time for setting up some software bugs and patching security holes. You should upgrade the router firmware when it’s available. The firmware can be found on vendor website.

Note: You may lose router configuration settings when you upgrade firmware, so make sure you write down the router settings prior to you upgrade its firmware.


Computer Security

You need to update computer OS system and software as often as you can. Again, the updates will patch security holes and fix software bugs. For Windows OS users, you can use Windows Automatic Updates to renew the system. If you have set up virtual servers or DMZ hosts, make sure you have latest system and software update installed. This is very important due to virtual server and DMZ hosts are exposed directly to Internet and easily to be compromised if not updated. Also, installing and updating antivirus and anti-spyware software is a must to protect your computer.


Avoiding Phishing Attack

Beware of phishing attack ! Do not simply click on the link in email, facebook, twitter or other websites, the link might bring you to malicious website to install malware on your system or lure you into given that online banking or other personal information. Common phishing attack typically appears to be sent from bank, paypal, financial organization or online portal, so you should always check with respective organization contact first before doing anything. Delete emails from unknown sender; don’t even try to check the content. If you need more information, ensure this anti-phishing website to learn more.


Physical Network Security

Many people might ignore physical network security, however you should keep an eye on it. Do some inspection on physical network sometimes to see any unrecognized devices connecting to router or identify extraordinary setup on network.

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