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Need for Anti – Virus

Live Tech CareCyberspace can be an extremely harmful to place, but it can be even more risky if you often surf the Internet without having Anti-virus software on a regular basis. In fact, some websites exist exclusively for the purpose of infecting other people’s computers with harmful viruses, and if you don’t take enough safety measures, you could find your computer being shut down permanently.
Now, you could be asking yourself what steps you can take in order to prevent something like this from happening. Basically, the only way to avoid possible viruses would be for you to download antivirus software. There are many ways by which one can go about doing so. Generally, there are two types of antivirus programs.

  • one is free which can also be termed as of the ‘standard quality’;
  • while the other one has to be purchased, which is of a ‘premium version’;

The Anti-virus for which you pay for is quite effective. This is the software many people choose, and in that one would be able to find a lot of advanced features. Contrary to free edition of antivirus program, the software you have to pay for will usually include updates every day, real-time protection and it will almost always include 24/7 customer support. This is something the free software packages cannot propose. For those who aren’t concerned dealing with serial numbers or upgrade costs, they always opt the free edition and in fact, many of the free programs work extraordinarily fine. If you want to find such a program, a quick online search will conceal many for you to choose from, and you’ll come across a few you can utilize online without having downloaded an antivirus software at all. If you believe you may have a virus on your system, you can visit some websites in order to have your device scanned. You do however need to bear in mind that even though these websites will scan your system, they certainly won’t wipe it if a virus is found, unless you take additional action. While this may seem unreasonable, you also need to see things from their point of view, because just like everybody else, they would also like to earn some money. Some computer viruses can actually avoid you from visiting the free virus scan sites. You’ll regularly find that many of the free antivirus downloads have possible upgrades available. By choosing upgrade for your free version, you’ll increase access to all the program’s complex features, and this in turn will afford your computer and even advanced level of protection. Those who have plenty of IT experience can for the most part get by with nothing more than some very basic antivirus software. As you have no doubt, there is nothing so complicated and to worry about if you need to download antivirus software. Just keep in mind, the sooner you download antivirus software, the sooner your computer will be protected. As you have acquired your software, you will need to work out how to use it in order to keep your computer working properly.



Below listed are few useful tips as in where one can protect their desktop/laptop from viruses :-

  • Update your pc– Hackers work on popular operating systems and make use of protection loopholes they find. Microsoft after a several span of time updates software to minimize  the risk of this happening. Time to time update your computer with the newest software from Microsoft. Microsoft’s website has the latest updates but it is better if you automate the update procedure. Automatic security updates can be set up in the Control Panel in the Security option


  • Disconnect From the Internet– When you are not using the internet, it is suggested to get it disconnected. After browsing the web, any malicious code which has been uploaded onto your system may automatically perform. So if you are not using your computer switch it off, you will save power too..


  • Email Scams and Spam– Viruses can spread swiftly via emails. They can be an attached in the email or emerge as a link within the email. On clicking the link you may be taken to a website where you are provoked to enter your personal information or the connection may execute a file which contains malicious code. If you are not sure of the source of an email, please do not open it.


  • Change Passwords If you change the passwords you use to each site it will be harder for cyber hackers to guess your password. It’s easier for you to remember only one, but it’s worth the security risk? Although these computer protection guidelines will help you to download antivirus software for complete protection. When browsing the web, be aware and don’t put your computer in hazard. Antivirus software will protect you but you also have to be aware of the possible dangers.

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  1. Hi, I’ve just written this post about computer security:
    Best wishes, John.

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